Sunday, November 05, 2006


Oh. My. Goodness. Too much to type, too much to tell! Can't function! It's after 4 am and I just got home from my night out with 'Muffin, Heidi, and Himself. I'm too hyper to sleep. I've been a very bad girl.

Photographs are coming soon, and I look DREADFUL in them. But I had a really fun night. We bumped into Lila in the club and had a bit of a dance with her too. I was really good and watched my booze intake because I didn't want a repeat performance. But in the end I was really tired and even drinking water was making me feel sick, so I thought: hometime. I left 'Muffin and Himself to it.

But omigod. Heidi told Himself I wanted to grope him, then he dragged me off for a dance and was like: "grope away." I nearly died. I couldn't even look him in the face while I was dancing with him - total bunny in the headlights syndrome. Then he went to the bar with 'Muffin and asked him if I liked him, and 'Muffin said yes. We changed location and I danced with Heidi for a bit, and then I started worrying that I'd made a huge fool of myself because Himself kept giving me these looks and dancing for me while I was just squirming. He sat next to me and was giving me the eye and I thought well I might aswell give up the ghost and said: "Oh, you're such a tease!" That was the icebreaker.

What an icebreaker it turned out to be. Major flirting for the rest of the night. He tried to kiss me on the stairs on the way out. He started to tell me what he wanted to do to me. He pulled me close to him and stroked my hair. I took hold of his hand as he walked me out, and he asked me why I was shaking! Well, duh! Then, texts, but I won't print them here because I'm sure you're fed up of the text message relay, I greatly apologise, but if I was sitting here with a girl friend, I'd force her to read them too. Since I'm continuing to bore you senseless with wafflings about Himself, I'll cut out the text reports as much as I can.

But oh fuck. I'm still a bit stunned. I thought he was totally uninterested and when I talked to him about it he was like, "Haven't you noticed me checking you out at work? You've got the best body I've ever seen."

Monday's going to be fun. For fun read scary.

Wow. Just: wow.


wondy woman said...

Of course he likes you, I told you he did - to an outsider it was very very obvious!!

You bad girl you - woo hoo!

wondy woman said...

I want to know more and about the texts too - not getting out of it that easy, love!!

Chica said...

I've left so much detail out of that post, mostly because my head is a shambles and I can't even remember things properly. I might post some more highlights later, and I won't promise that one of them won't be in text form!

Thanks chick, you're miles away living it up in Thailand and you've still got time for little old me and my crush! You're MEGA! x

wondy woman said...

Ah babes, I'll always have time for you, PROMISE!

I have a crush on this boy on myspace - and he's not even one of my friends on it and he's also ginger.

Check me out! I have never spoken or emailed him and I dreamt about him last night?

Obsessed with the internet, much??

Can't wait to read more x x

Chica said...

Yey, Mybug was ginger; ginger is the new black I say. (Also, you know you have to email me the link now!)

I've been dreaming about Himself too! I've wanted to for months and now I am and I can't remember them! Rubbish x

wondy woman said...

It's coming through right now - oh yeah, check out the fact he is TEN years younger than me!