Friday, November 24, 2006

Smooth Operator

So ya know how I left the ball in his court and didn't text back last night?

From: Himself
Sent: Fri 24/11/2006 08:59
To: Chica


im surprised you didnt reply to my last message last night.
I was quite impressed with the comedy.

How chuffed was I?

He also sent his group goodbye email out. Here is my bit:

I was workin on the second floor the other day and you were shelving. There was a group of lads checkin you out. Pow. Go get em chick.
Lovin the fashion girl.

And here is 'Muffin's, who got the longest shout out :) :

In Jedi terms – my young padawan learner.

apprentice Jedi who undergoes intensive one-on-one training under a Jedi Knight or Master after graduating from the academy.” (wikipedia)

A great lad. Bit quiet really, with some strange habits, such as his home library. But hey, we all have our idiosyncrasies. Like i said to him a while back, Im Michelangelo, he’s my Sistine Chapel. Im sculpting him into a mini me. So with a bit more training, ladies beware!!!

And here is the censored version he just sent me:

Talkin of the email, im just startin on it now. Still dont know what to put for you. Bit awkward cos everyone is gonna read it. So privately I can say to you, maybe one day im gonna fuck you silly. ;-)

Ladies beware indeed!

1 comment:

wondy woman said...

Oh. My. God! That last line - OMG!

I like Himself more and more, if he's not hurting you - 'cos if he does I'm coming to kick him in the nuts - fact!