Thursday, November 23, 2006

Frankie Says Relax

So, he's gone. Going to work is pretty much going to suck now.

As well as chipping in for the group present (chocs, crisps, and £100 Zara vouchers), me and 'Muffin bought him a couple of little presents. 'Muffin chose them since he had the afternoon off to shop - a Parker fountain pen and a suede filofax. In the card, I wrote:

WANTED: Office hottie. Applications to Chica at (my workplace.) Must wear Vivienne Westwood shirts and be willing to take them off! It's all good! love, Chica x

He came and gave me a hug before he left. He smelled amazingly good. He said he'd email. It was a proper hug. I was in a rush to finish it because I didn't want to look a fool but he held on.

Then, he made a surprise return just before five. He teased me about my name being wrong on the invitation to the Christmas party. After a bit of encouragement from 'Muffin, I text him and put: Where's my goodbye kiss? He came down from his office, we exchanged a hot look and a smile. He lingered for fifteen minutes but I was really busy and there were loads of people around. He chickened out and left. Gutted! I text him while waiting for the bus and put: Sod ya then! He replied that he came to find me but everyone was there. I told him he owed me a kiss.


But since I have spies at work I get to know a little more than I should. 'Muffin was working late and Himself popped back into work after a bit of late night shopping. He told him that he had only realised what he was doing by walking away when it was too late and he'd been a bit slow on the uptake. He also said that things are going badly with 'Sarah' and that he doesn't want a girlfriend. He said he didn't want me giving up something when he couldn't promise anything in return.

Then he said: But there's always the Christmas do... but she's not that sort of girl. (as I'm scurrying off to find my red stiletto heels!) 'Muffin insists that Himself thinks I'm a great girl and that he respects me.

Just after I'd spoken to 'Muffin on the phone, Himself text me: Just looking at my cards again. You made me chuckle. Thanks. Which sounds like nothing but is a big deal from him because he never makes the effort like that.

I replied with something jokey, he did the same, and now I've left it.

I think I've done enough. Ball's in his court.

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