Sweet & Sour
Studmuffin continues to amuse and delight me as a unique specimen of the human race. Yesterday, he turned up for work wearing a pair of black trousers, a black shirt, and a black tie embellished with a silver dragon. Or in other words, he was rocking a whole world of fug. "Where are my chocolates?" I immediately demanded, "You look like the milk tray man crossed with a waiter in a Chinese restaurant." He really did. But Studmuffin was not best part pleased with my sartorial diagnosis. Especially after he conducted a survey
around the office and learned that I was right. And even more so when, this morning, in response to a completely different outfit, Crunchie asked "What is THAT on your tie? It better not be a cartoon character."
But wait, there's more.
Studmuffin opened his library record to show me all the books he's taken out for his new librarianship course - which he is over the moon about. These included titles like Cataloguing Without Fear and How to Stay Awake During Shelf Revision.
(I made that last one up, but if anybody has any tips, send them in my direction.) However, I noticed a suspiciously unacademic, non-scholarly titled Let's Dance! on the list, and innocently enquired what it was. Here I was treated to a public, enthusiastic, and may I remind you public, demonstration of the Foxtrot followed by an introduction to Waltz!Studmuffin is so called because of his blatantly obvious ogling habits and constant witterings about the beauty of curvy women. (That's right, women. The boy is straight!) So it was rather funny when, upon returning to the Staff Room after lunch, he picked up his mobile phone to check his messages and mused aloud: "Does anyone love me? ...Ooh, I forgot to ring my mum!"Nothing but love, 'muffin. Nothing but love.
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