Friday, August 25, 2006

Newz from Nowhere

So, the plan for tonight is to head over to the Newz Bar for a quick drink while deciding where to eat. We will probably pop into the tapas bar at some point for some sangria, but apart from that we've made no real plans and are just gonna see where the night takes us. I was looking forward to starting it all off with a drink in Newz, because I've heard good things from friends and it's not too far from where I work so I could make Friday cocktails a more regular thing, a bit like Champagne Thursdays.

Then I visited their website. Try not to hurl while you read this:

"Are you a "CAT" - Cool - Amazing & Trendy?
If you are, you belong @ Newz Bar
"The Bar For The Beautiful People"

Dressed to impress, the ladies are kitted out in the latest fashions and could be mistaken for one of the models from a Catwalk Show. The men are just as good, donning well cut suits with shirts and ties to match or the latest trendy gear that has just arrived in men's Boutiques.
So, if you want a fabulous night out in a bar that is dressed as well as you are, Newz Bar is the place for you. The bar staff and door attendands are even dressed to impress so that you feel you are in the right place."

Cool? Amazing? Trendy? Brain of your own? Well, this room is cold enough to give me goosebumps, I'm pretty amazed that I didn't kill anyone (yet) this week and I'm wearing a shirt I bought over a year ago right now, so make of that what you will. If I was a cat, I'd probably be a wizened old alley cat rather than a pampered moggy in a diamond studded collar and matching Lexus. I'm just hoping that, like with most hype, this is all a load of trash. I really don't want to spend time in a place where I feel like I'm a huge disappointment to the doormen.

Ugh. I hope it's not as pretentious as it sounds.

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