Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Last night, I was up really late at my computer because I couldn't sleep (combination of Alfie and the fact that I not only resemble the Elephant Man, but could be the sister who makes it seem like he got all the looks.) It was about twenty to one and my phone started to vibrate. I had a message. For some reason, I thought it might be Alfie and started to get all heart-poundy and nervous, but when my slow phone finally loaded the message it was from Mr. Mybug, who recently renewed contact.

Now. I'm not meaning to sound like I've been hanging around Alfie too long and have developed some of his cocky streak, but in the texts from Mybug you can kind of tell he likes me, in a way that is absent from Alfie's texts. In one he says I am "damn cute" and admits he's been asking after me in the library, and he invited me out for a drink. Now, Mybug knows I have a boyfriend. And he doesn't know that I'm a big ol' ho. So I didn't really know what to do with that and just kept my texts back to him light and jokey, friendly but not flirty (completely ignored the damn cute and offered a vague response to the drink question... which are both tactics Alfie uses with me!)

At about half two I went to bed and tried to surrender myself to sleep. I received my last text from Mybug at 2:49. He was teasing me about how I'd be the old one drinking sherry if I went out on a student night. He must be about 20 by now I think. He's a bar manager.

The weird thing about the sudden interest from Mybug and Dedalus is; I had totally moved on. The other week I had a clear out in my bedroom and I threw away an old cinema stub I'd had pinned to my notice board that was from the last movie Dedalus and I saw, then he emailed. And I threw out the little drawing Mybug did for me too, then I find another one in my in tray at work. Maybe I should delete all of Alfie's messages and drop the whole thing and see what happens. Even if he disappoints me, at least I'll have done something constructive and escape this ambivalence! (She says as she checks her work email from home for the fifth time this morning...)


Anonymous said...

Honestly I think there is something to be said for moving on because it changes how you present yourself. I think you put out a different energy or something, and THAT is what attracts people to you... maybe.

MJ said...

Now Mybug I like. Dude is funny! x