Saturday, December 02, 2006


Okay. How to explain Dedalus. (Yes, don't be fooled by the title, I'm still on about men!) Dedalus is a guy I went to uni with. We were friends pretty much throughout uni, and at one time we were really close. We went through a weird phase when the Boyf was working away a lot and I was hardly spending time with him, and it started to feel like Dedalus was my boyfriend.

Now don't go judging me on my recent form because my recent behaviour is out of character and the whole Dedalus thing was totally different. For a start I never had the urge to rip the clothes off his back or writhe around underneath him in a tangled mess of bedsheets and lust and sweat and heat... ahem. As I was saying. I'm no slut :P

Dedalus and I kind of grew apart and anyway after the whole coupley stage things got really weird. I suppose we got to a place where we had to define our relationship. And we never really reached a middle ground on what that definiton should be.

Things limped along for a while, we stayed in touch, but neither of us was really motivated enough to keep seeing each other that much and, once Dedalus acquired a girlfriend, the seal of doom was stamped on our friendship. He called me up a few times when he needed to talk about his problems after that, but he never really reciprocated and eventually we lost touch.

Until he emailed me out of the blue last Friday.

I have to say I was a little nervous about seeing him again. We talked on the phone and MSN before we met up for lunch this week and it all went quite well so that was reassuring. And when I walked out of work and saw him standing waiting for me, I just couldn't help laughing. It was really bizarre seeing his face. It was like somebody put me in a time machine and sent me back about three years. We hugged and kissed and made our way to have lunch. It didn't feel awkward at all.

Over lunch, we chatted about nothing and caught up on some happenings, and then I asked him what prompted him to get back in touch. He said he felt bad about losing touch because I was a really good friend and still am, and that when he thought back to the uni days, they were good, but they were only good because I was there. Which is a bit of a huge compliment when you consider it. He brought up the "couple" phase but I said that I was sure we'd talked about it enough times in the past and he agreed and said we could avoid it.

Then I had one of my classic moments, and when attempting to put my cardigan back on, I fired about ten metal bangles through the air, which showered down on the (occupied) table beside us. Oh yes. All part of a normal day.

Anyway, we wandered through town and after a bit of indecision ended up going for coffee at the bookshop. We hung out until about three o'clock and then he headed off to catch his train. I marched to Monsoon to scoop the most gorgeous dress ever, except that it was sold out in my size. I held back tears. (I then found a pair of shoes that would have matched the dress perfectly, which were £20 off! That would never have happened if I'd got the dress!)

Since then we've been texting a little bit. (Yes, I've spent £50 on my phone this month, all from texting boys and my sister. The joys.) And today we decided, since his plans to see it fell through and 'Muffin fucked me off to study today, that we'll go and see the new (getting older) James Bond movie tomorrow. 4:15.

Why can't things be that easy with Alfie? "Hey, wanna see a movie?" "Sure."

I suppose it did take us six years to reach this point :P And ripping Alfie's clothes off in a public theatre would probably be frowned upon. For shame.

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