Sunday, March 26, 2006

Mums the Word

Happy Mother's Day! Today, we celebrated for mummies everywhere and one in particular with duck pancakes followed by cheesecake. And now I'm off to find myself some beefcake! Tee hee.

Ahem. But seriously. My mother - a former Miss Royal British Legion, I'll have you know - is a really amazing woman, and if I grow up to be (!) anything like her then I will consider myself a very lucky person. And rather amazing!

The battle to turn my tiny bedroom into the penthouse suite at some big swanky hotel the name of which momentarily escapes me continues. It's still looking more like Andi Peters' broom cupboard. We moved around all the furniture today and I hated it immediately but am too scared to ask Boyf to help me put it all back just yet :P Tomorrow there is shopping on the agenda, and he's pissed off enough about that! It's been too long!

Maybe I should hang lots of mirrors, or line my walls with murals of furniture and windows like the inside of my old Barbie Dreamhouse?

Speaking of which, I attempted to use Dreamweaver and I don't know what the fuck I am doing!

Also, I think I may have located Mary Brown. I narrowed it down to about 12 anyway and via a combination of cross referencing my sources and gut instinct, I think I've found my great gran!

Guess what her mum's name is.


Anonymous said...

Dreamweaver? What are you up to *suspicious one-eyed glare*


Chica said...

It's for my job interview, they rank knowledge of Dreamweaver as 'desirable'. You know it? Can you teach me? ;) x