Wednesday, March 15, 2006


It's three thirty on a 'school night' (or morning?) and I can't sleep for the life of me. I feel like shit. I think that's the speediest I have ever developed the dreaded lurgi, and blame the ridiculous temperatures at work today. I don't know if I have introduced you to our boiler but it has in my mind a big red dial on the front with two settings - freeze, and cook. I think maybe they're trying to see what makes us work faster? Expecting to freeze, I dressed appropriately for work today and immediately broke out in a sweat when I arrived. We had people demanding to speak to the manager because it was so hot. I skipped my lunch and hiked into town so that I could get something cooler to wear. Why am I so tired? I wondered at eight o'clock, then realised all I'd had to eat all day was an apple, a banana, and a yoghurt. This was also probably not a wise move. Fuck it, I have to call in sick tomorrow. What else is a girl to do? Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

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