Thursday, January 25, 2007

Of Books & Bondage

Meh, today has been such a waste of time. I did get my hair cut at least, but I raised the subject of colour and didn't really get any constructive feedback. Still, my hair is back in an actual style, which is progress.

Yesterday, I had to go work at a different site as part of a 'lets all hold hands and love each other' initiative they have at work, which requires us to travel miles out of our way and do the exact same job but in a place where you don't know anything so you're basically zero help to anyone, and you're only there for one day so anything you do learn is a total waste of time anyway. Ahem. Loving the scheme, personally. But I'd been quite worried about going there because that's where the rumour about me and Alfie came from so I was more than a little paranoid. Heidi works there so I got to catch up with her and we had fun slagging off men for a bit, and she told me about her male friend who likes rubber and being peed on. Nice. Practical combination, though.

Anyway, I was counting the hours to get through it but it was fine in the end. Lovely Mybug came to see me. It was really weird because he'd said he might and just as I was sitting on reception wondering if he would and almost willing him to really because I felt out of my depth, he walked in. I only spoke to him for a couple of minutes because he had to get to class, but he came back later and helped me find my way around while I was looking for some books. He also gave me a Happy Hippo. (That's a Kinder sweetie thing, not a euphemism.) He walked around the library with me helping me with my job, then gave me a hug and a kiss and went to meet some friends for lunch. I really like listening to him talk. He's really quite insightful for a nineteen year old.

Let me just type that out again: nineteen year old. Same age as my niece. WRONG.

Before you start to worry about an upcoming onslaught of Mybug posts, I do not like him in that way. I just really like him as a person and he's so funny and sweet. Other people at work didn't like him and I think the general consensus is that he's weird. But I just think he expresses himself in a different, unique way and I find it interesting. Plus, it really helps his cause that he gets drunk and tells me I'm beautiful. I love that in a guy.

Off to see Bobby at the cinema with Dedalus tomorrow. I love stuff on the Kennedy's so I'm hoping for good things. 'Muffin had to cancel his birthday celebrations because of personal problems, which is a real shame. We were both looking forward to it and he was going to stay over so he could really have let loose and not had to worry about driving home. I'm sure we'll arrange something else another time though and I'm taking the Boyf out on Saturday instead (fingers crossed.) I still haven't a clue what to get him for his birthday so I'm going to have to go shopping at some point. Also, I want earrings. I have but two pairs. After many years umming and ahhing over whether to take the plunge or not, I've almost ignored the fact that I had them pierced, and cannot believe I'm not taking advantage of the opportunity for expansive accessorising. I really must be lovesick. I couldn't even get it up for shoe shopping last week.

1 comment:

MJ said...

Mybug is my favourite *sigh* Your boys are all so different arent they?