Saturday, January 20, 2007

Standing in the Way of Control

I've been trying to write a post for the past few days but they just aren't coming together. I need to be out dancing tonight, getting a wee bit merry maybe and wearing a fabulous outfit. I need a new look or something to make me feel good about myself again. I feel like a dysfunctional mess of a person with mousey hair and no life. I'm meant to be going out with the boyfriend tomorrow night but I suspect that may not happen now because he will probably be hungover since he's been drinking since this afternoon. I should make contingency plans really because I feel so frustrated with myself and I just want to let loose and have some fun, do something drastic maybe like drunk karaoke or ill advised skinny dipping in the Mersey, both equally dangerous sports.

Rar. This funk totally sucks.


Ari_1965 said...

Forget the boyfriend. Why sit around and watch a hangover. Go get your hair done, and then go dance.

wondy woman said...

I agree! Go do what you do best my love - and that is simple: "be fabulous"!

I would never see you as mousey though, I disagree there - you're the cat's meow x x