Monday, January 29, 2007

Little Bird

A little bird tells me that Alfie has acquired a "Julie" and was out with her on Saturday night (his birthday weekend.) He also dropped into my workplace on Friday afternoon so the emails were either to a) make sure I wouldn't be here or b) assess the possibility of some cheap thrills in the stairwell.

Why every girl needs a 'Muffin: "He parked in the loading bay while he went and got his haircut apparently. What hair? I'd have had him bloody clamped."

Not that I ever thought he would remain celibate or anything, but argh. The little bird referred to her as "his girlfriend." Stab me in the heart, why don't you!

Just when I was doing so well... :P


Anonymous said...

That is it Chica. The universe is telling you to move on!! He's no good for you and YOU KNOW IT!!! You deserve a wonderful man who treats you like the amazing princess of FAB that you are! NO MORE ALFIE!

Chica said...

You're right about Alfie of course, and I do know he is no good for me. I'm just a great big eejit. I'm working on it though.

Loving the tough talking Heather! Greece obviously agreed with you :) Nice to have you back! xxx