Sunday, January 14, 2007


Do you ever wish you had a secret place nobody knew about that was just yours, and nobody could bother you there? You could go and hide and do your own thing and not have anyone to entertain or explain yourself to. All I wanted today was to be alone and the house was full of people. Everywhere I turned and every room I moved to, they just followed me. I ended up crawling underneath my duvet in a dark room and pretending I was asleep for an hour and a half. I wasn't. I was thinking. Me and that much time to think does not make a happy partnership at the moment, so when I finally made myself face everyone again it was not with the cheeriest of expressions on my face.

I hate to sound so anti-social, but it's just been one of those days where I can't take people. You know when you're fully aware of what rubbish company you are making and you want to go find a little piece of oblivion? Maybe I should develop a drinking habit. Alcoholism is the answer! A secret place, at the bottom of a bottle... This is not the kick-ass, happy me I shall be projecting in the future. She is a work in progress.

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