Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Employee of the Month

So, Tuesday was my late night at work. I hate late nights and they're really boring but I have to say I get a much better deal than April with her solo shifts and encounters with El Creepo. Eek!

I shouldn't really complain this week (but I'm going to, natch) because for about an hour and a half, I was entertained by Mr. Mybug whilst manning the reception desk. Let me remind you I was having the worst hair day in recent memory and he tried to touch my hair and take a photograph of me, and gave me a hug. Plus, it's the first time he's seen my hair short. Typical. But he was really sweet and funny. The guy is the same age as my eldest niece so I can't help feeling a sort of 'awww' factor.

He also brought me a late Christmas present - a miniature Bible with blank pages and a hip flask secreted inside. This sort of thoughtful gift demonstrates the fact that he understands the pain of working here due to his own past experiences, and I'm glad he felt he could share his coping mechanisms with me. He said he should have put a nice message inside and I promptly demanded one. He made a little poem out of my name, and asked me to think of a word beginning with A. Apple was rejected and he asked for a more descriptive word, and do you know the first word that popped into my head was 'amorous'? He asked how to spell it. I asked if he knew what it meant and he said no. I told him, "Basically, you've just wrote that I make you horny." He started laughing and turned puse. "My boyfriend's gonna love that," I said. (I do this thing now where I drop my boyfriend into lot of conversations, just in case :P Oh yes. I've learned my lesson.)

He asked me out to lunch next week, so we'll see if that happens. And. He has a myspace. Mybug is adorable. Why can't Alfie be adorable?

'Muffin hung around after work until eight filling out some job applications, so I went over them with him before he left. Then I chatted to Dedalus online and helped one of the late night custodial guys fill up a trolley. Sounds like a pretty easy night, I know, but it dragged so much it was awful. I'd rather have things to do than try and make myself look busy and avoid the glares of the-woman-who-thinks-she-is-my-boss.

I'm on a half day today so I shall be skipping off merrily at half twelve round the shops for a quick nose for a pressie for 'Muffin's birthday. And maybe some shoes to ease the pain. But then I must go home and study for my meeting tomorrow! Oh no, the day I am exposed a a complete fraud is upon me. Ye gads.

My work ethic looks great from this angle, huh?


wondy woman said...

Oooh what's his myspace I want to have a lok at him!!

Chica said...

It's winging its way to you now! :)

So good to hear from you!! x