Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I'm tired after an exhausting day stripping (wallpaper). The Boyf and I are working on our bedroom. We also filled all the holes in the wall, knocked out a vent, and painted the ceiling. Lots more work planned for the next couple of days! Ahhh, there's nothing like a project to keep your mind off things!

In other news, had a bit of an awkward conversation with Dedalus on MSN while I was on my late night in work yesterday. One minute, we were talking about shoes (well, I was talking about them, he was probably rolling his eyes and stifling a yawn) the next minute, he said he'd like to take me out.

Chica: Take me out?
Dedalus: To town for a night out.
Chica: Yeah we could go for a few drinks or something, but 'take me out' sounds a bit... non-platonic.
Dedalus: I know.
Chica: Oh. Well if we did go out, it would be purely platonic for me.
Dedalus: OK.
Chica: Do we need to talk about this?
Dedalus: I dunno. Not now.
Chica: Okay. I don't want to lead you on though, it's not nice. And I think you're kind of "on the rebound" for want of a better phrase.
Dedalus: OK (my real name).
Chica: Shall I shut up?
Dedalus: You want to do something later this week?

Is it just me, or is he a cheeky bastard? I mean, I'm being careful of his feelings and everything, because recent events have made me very sensitive to the perils of rejection. But, he comes back on the scene after an absence of almost two years and thinks that this is okay? Sheesh.

Let's have a slice of Mybug so that I don't start to sound like a complete man hater. He text me today asking how I was, and when I replied he rang me a second later to make sure I was okay because he said I sounded down ("been better, been worse.") I assured him I was fine in my chirpiest voice and he scatted for a bit, then I thanked him for calling. Kinda thoughtful of him, don't you agree?

'Muffin also brought a Thank You card into work for me yesterday for his birthday present, the loon. It's nice to know that some people appreciate you though, and we also had a good old bitch about Alfie, pictured below.

Petty, but satisfying :) It's funny the little things that can make you feel better, such as the email that popped into my inbox from my sister entitled: RE: that bastard. High road, schmigh road.

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