Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ball Ache

I don't know if I have talked about this much, what with my inability to stop myself from sounding like a scratched record, but I am attempting to turn over a new academic leaf, and have been trying to sort my shizz out vis-a-vis The Dissertation That Will Not Die. I met my tutor last Thursday, braving gale force winds, roads closing, roof tiles and tree trunks flying through the air to do so (not exaggerating), and spent last weekend writing an outline of my chapters for him. I was a bit miffed by the fact that he turned up 25 minutes late for our meeting, and that if I hadn't stopped into the humanities office, and the receptionist didn't just happen to spot him down the corridor, the meeting wouldn't have happened at all. And then there was the fact he was totally unprepared - even more so than me - and asked me what was the meeting about, again? But I am even more annoyed with him today, since I battled through rush hour traffic to meet him at five o'clock, a time convenient for him, and he never bothered to bloody show up! Does the dude not realise I have to get two buses there, two buses back, and it takes me more than two hours? Grrr.

I was so proud of myself for actually getting the work done at the weekend aswell. I shut myself in the spare room, shunned all of Boyf's attempts to distract me, sacrificed my social life, and this is how I am rewarded! I left him a note explaining that I'd turned up for the meeting on time and hung around waiting for him again, and asked him to give me some feedback via email or telephone so that I could make some progress before our next, unscheduled, meeting. I'm really peeved; I need encouragement so much to get this God-forsaken project out of my life. If I do go back to university, it certainly won't be to this one, as it's been nothing but one obstacle after another!

Don't even get me started on Registry...


April said...

And this is all on "The Edible Woman?" Or just partly? What's your thesis?

I hope he's got a darn good excuse for skipping out on the meeting. Like spontaneous combustion.

Chica said...

Edible Woman is one of the books I look at. Well remembered! It's on food and the female body.

And I haven't even heard from the guy since! I'm telling you, this does not bode well :(