Thursday, October 19, 2006

Love Muscle Russell

God, this morning seems like a long time ago! It's lucky I've got numerous emails to Guillermo and texts to my sis to work from!

So, you'll all remember that I got Himself's phone number from Heidi. What she didn't tell me was that she'd text him and asked if it was okay after she'd give me it! Today, I spoke to Himself first thing and he didn't let on about it. But he came and found me and Studmuffin while we were shelving books and teased us about being 'the happy couple.' When we both protested, he stroked my arm, apologised and said to 'Muffin: "Come on, Chica's a pretty girl." Then he said: Heidi text me and asked if it was okay that she's given you my number... I was like, what? no, fuck off!

There followed an exchange I can't remember. I think I maybe blacked out because whatever awkward response I managed to make to this has been wiped from my brain. I'm pretty sure it involved a lot of nervous laughter from me and the 'Muffin. At some point I managed a feeble 'It's okay I won't use it.' He said: oh no, use it, get drunk and send me pictures.

Then we talked about Heidi and how she'd just blatantly asked to watch them get dressed, and how she was all over one of the guys we work with. Himself said he liked her and I agreed: 'she's great; she's very upfront. I need lessons from her.'

When he left, 'Muffin and I discussed how to stop everyone from gossiping about us, 'cos everyone in work, ironically enough, think that we're at it! This came up at break again with Himself, who accused us of always being together. I said that everyone must just be jealous of all the time we spend together because really they wanted 'Muffin for themselves. Himself said: but obviously I'd be fancying you, not him. There were loads of other little flirty bits but I can't bloody remember them all! He was asking about my dress again, and wanted to see a picture, but I don't have one on my phone.

We also had some banter with me bravely stopping him as he walked past to tell him his outfit was a bit Russell Brand. He was indignant and demanded to know what was Brandish about it. I told him it was the floppy collar and the black scarf, which he took off immediately. We were standing pretty close. "I can't believe you said that, I hate Russell Brand, he's a wanker," he complained. I laughed and said sorry and he play-shoved me as I walked away!

Ah, it was a beautiful moment.

So, even though it's all a bit clumsy, I'm at least getting to know him a bit better! I think I need to do some damage control though over the me and 'Muffin rumours. Although, if they're busy talking about that, maybe they won't notice me drooling all over Himself!


Anonymous said...

Go Chica Go!!!

Chica said...

Hehe, thanks Heather, I am so beyond help now!! x

wondy woman said...

Can I buy a hat soon?!

He he