Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Cold Front

I'm sitting at an information point huddled into my coat because my work building is effing freezing. The air conditioning is ridiculous today and I've got my little sexy cafe latte ruche top on (order arrived) because normally downstairs is hot as Hell.

I've got the lurgi and I want to be at home underneath my duvet drinking hot chocolate and reading Spivak. Oh, okay, and watching Sex and the City. Or snuggling up with the Boyf who is still warm in my bed. Or even the dog.

Had many dreams about work last night, including ones about Himself (not those kinds of dreams though - dreams about him reading out his CV and talking in the stairwells on his phone, of course.) I don't know if it's because I feel pants and can't be bothered with it but today I am feeling a bit disillusioned with my crush. Not him, just it, it's so annoying feeling like this all the time. And I should really be putting this energy to better use. But I figure I might feel differently when I'm healthy again and at least there's an end in sight - he leaves soon and maybe I'll stop being so silly. Silly is fun sometimes though :)

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