Monday, October 02, 2006


I had a couple of parties lined up for last weekend but it turns out I am Little Miss Unsociable. Friday was Yank and Li's wedding party; we turned up at nine, and left to the sounds of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody "Goodbye everybody, I've got to go, gotta leave you all behind..." at exactly 11. It was pretty rubbish. I think I spent longer deciding what to wear. I did discover that my black satin heels go beautifully with my skinny jeans, so it wasn't all in vain. My Jennifer Aniston lookalike cousin was there with her boyfriend and her mates, and she was sporting brown leggings with her dress. My niece has taken to wearing leggings a lot too. I must confess to considering buying a pair myself, even though I have oft stated that they are the scourge of the Earth and should burn for all eternity. (What's wrong with me?!) I don't know why I'm thinking like this, but I can really just see a cute little outfit in my head, that particular dress with a pair of leggings and maybe black flats. (Is it a disease, is it catching??)

Then on Saturday, we went shopping and Boyf got some new trews - I spent most of the day sitting outside changing rooms (resisting the urge to buy leggings). We were meant to be going out for a meal and then meeting the new girl and David Hasselhoff fan extraordinaire, whose birthday it was, Studmuffin, and the girls at It's A Scream at 9. But we couldn't be bothered. It's the end of the month. It was cold. It rained a coupla times. That was enough to induce me to opt for a cosy night in instead. To be fair, Lila and Weezer pulled out first, so I'd have only known Studmuffin amongst all the people there, and he didn't go in the end 'cos I didn't :P

Sunday we shaved the dog.

Not expecting that one were you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't do it Chica. Don't do the leggings. Please!