Thursday, February 08, 2007

High Heels and Low Lifes

Today marks two years since I started blogging, which is crazy, because it seems like yesterday I put together last year's Top 5 Posts. And I'm a bit disappointed that nothing I've written this year would have made that list. But whatevs. This is warts and all blogging. So, here are my best bits since last Feb, curiously perched at a jaunty angle on a witches nose near you.

1. Ode to Paris. A lesson in teenage fug.

2. Oops I Did It Again. Mybug, mybug, mybug, mybug, I love my ginger bug.

3. I'm Not Dead Yet. Chica can fuck up any aspect of her life!

4. The Edge of Reason. Back when Alfie was just "Himself" (before I created a monster.)

5. Closer. The longest post in the world, all about a snog.

It might not be pretty, but it's all true. Another year? Bring it on!

A special thanks to my, um, let's say "exclusive" group of readers and commenters, some of whom have become good friends and a big part of my days. You're ace!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday!