Friday, February 02, 2007


Very busy few days. The project is taking shape and now closely resembles a bedroom rather than a cesspit. My walls are Treacle Tart #5. My floor is absolutely beautiful - I was laid by a professional! Might post pics despite nobody being remotely interested in wooden floors I'm sure. Now I just have the mammoth task of reloading my bookshelf, and I think I'll save the rest of the reorganisation for tomorrow. I went through some of my clothes today and made up two bin bags full for charity - some of them with the labels still on! I have a ridiculous amount of clothes that I never wear. These are housed in three different rooms. I'm going to continue the premature Spring clean as soon as the room is completed; I just don't want to make a helluva lot more mess right now.

I also have a lot more books than I realised, but I can never throw a book out and don't see why I should. I really haven't been reading enough recently and am going to try and set some time aside just for this. It's difficult when you share a house and there are so many distractions. I need quiet to be able to let myself become engrossed by a book and I generally have people talking to me or following me from room to room turning on the TV (that's you Boyf - who will never read this blog for obvious reasons!) But somehow, even if I have to lay down the law, I'm gonna try for this one. I've been reading the same novel for months and every time I pick it up I have to skip back a few pages to remind me where I'm at. I read a whole lot of the time when I was in France.

So sleepy. So many books to dust.

I rock Friday nights.


Anonymous said...

I'll be expecting pictures! Hopefully before and after ones.

wondy woman said...

I am so interested in wooden flooring - used to subscribe to Elle Decoration, doncha know!

wondy woman said...

Ps. How gay am I?