Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Got Wondy?

'Muffin's recent post reminded me that I started writing this a couple of days ago, but got swept up in the news that ALFIE HAS BEEN DUMPED BY THE AIR HOSTESS... I mean, swept up in the continuous mirth of Wondy after show parties, getting drunk with Orlando Bloom - who sadly, failed to win anything or be nominated at all (I spent much time commiserating with the fellow, whilst discreetly polishing my virtual award) - and eating burgers and swearing with Helen Mirren, who popped by in the hopes of our esteemed Host's autograph and a borrow of her lippy.

In case you haven't heard: I'm a Wondy Winner!

I would just like to thank my two main influences and fellow stylish females: the much maligned, elegantly coiffed and mistress of glamorous hosiery Nora Batty (pictured), and unlikely fashionista (curly green wig and all), Grotbags, who has inspired me since childhood. But most of all I would like to thank Wondy, for bestowing this title upon me so generously despite my tawdry association with leggings (despite my resolutions), and unbreakable habit of getting dressed in the dark.

Wondy, you're the best.

1 comment:

wondy woman said...

Grotbags is so seriously under-rated, so happy to hear a shout-out for her!

You deserve it my love - because you rule.

(Ps. You will never guess what happened to me at the aftershow party - sponsored by Primark - there I was in my glittery Dorothy Perkins wrap dress, when Mariah Carey threw a drink literally all over me! (She was pissed about the whole singing in the interval debacle) So I went to hit her, but was held back by George Clooney, who whispered in my ear that I was going to have to be 'helped out of those wet clothes' - well, of course I slapped his face - I am not a woman of such loose morals - and I stormed off back to my table - where Amy Winehouse, Dawn French and Lily Allen were sitting - retouched my lippy - Helen eventually gave it back, the hog - and that's when I saw Leo DiCraprio - who I then made out with for like, two hours. It was crazy.)

(Yeah, and then I woke up...)

Yeah, I need help with the Leo thing too, 'cos that thing happened again when I watched The Departed on DVD - do you think it's too early to book myself into the Priory?