Thursday, February 22, 2007

Not Big

I know I'm blogging too much today, that's what working part time does to you, but can I just say, for the record, that I hate hate hate chain letters? And I never send them on. I live with the threat of 2 years of bad luck just because I don't want to inflict the possibility of 2 years worth of bad luck on anyone else. So I say to all out there, don't be so SELFISH! I especially hate the ones that promise great glory/your true love, or ones that trick you into opening them by bearing a subject such as HEY, I GOT THE JOB, I'M MOVING TO JAPAN!!! So you click on it thinking, 'Heidi is moving to Japan?! What did I miss?!?' and then, boom, 2 years of bad luck as punishment for taking a passing interest in a so-called friends life. I don't need to be ambushed with bad luck on myspace, I have that ticking time bomb of karma to contend with.

Don't do it people, just say no! We can cast off this ugly yoke of oppression, together!


Anonymous said...

Dear Chica,

I'm with you on this international crusade! These chain letter things must be stopped!!

Chica said...

I knew I could count on you, gorgeous!

Hope the studying is going well. It has to be going better than mine! x