Friday, May 05, 2006


So there's this guy at work - he's a temp, and he only does lates - we'll call Mr. Mybug. For the past couple of months Mr. Mybug has been getting rather flirty, but since he seems to be on constant flirt mode and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only girl receiving his attentions, I assumed I'd be safe to take the mick.

He's not the smoothest of characters (when I told him of my £9 glass of Baileys, he suggested that it was because the bar staff thought I was a rich model - aw, bless! He's a lot to learn!) but I do find him quite endearing (maybe because despite how preposterous it is, he tells me I look like a model? :P) Anyway, this Tuesday, cos it was so crazy in work, we didn't manage to get all the jobs finished. So, when I was on my break he came and had a natter with me at one of the first floor computers, and I managed to (equally poorly, I feel compelled to add) sweet talk Mybug into offering to do one of the jobs for us if he got time. In the morning, when I arrived at work, I noticed that he actually had. For this favour, I bought him a Chunky Kit Kat on Thursday, and opened up a whole new can of worms. (Who knew Chunky Kit Kat's opened the gateway to Love?) So I go back up to the first floor computers for my break again on Thursday, and he is coincidentally clearing up around the desk where I like to sit. He teased me about this for a bit, then disappeared, reappearing a few minutes later with a piece of folded paper. On this he'd written my name next to a sketch of me (with big pouty lips and a rather square hairdo) with the caption '"boss" on break', and he popped it on top of my computer. We talked for a bit, then when he walked off he said "There's a number on the back of that if there's any problems." A mobile number. I'm assuming it's his and not the local Alcoholics Anonymous. This immediately sends me into a crippling seizure of embarrassment, and in this state I made the mistake of spilling the beans to Studmuffin.

Now anytime Mybug is within two feet of me Studmuffin starts giggling and singing lame songs like 'Love is in the air' or panting like a dog.

*head in hands*

Mybug was dressed very smartly on Thursday ...Smelled good too :P


MJ said...

Mybug, mybug mybug mybug, you love your ginger bug, check it out!

Seriously though, stop acting so flattered - Darling, it happens to you all the time!

Oh, how I wish I'd been there to see it. Can I meet this dude? Sounds hilarious!

Chica said...


More Mybug action tonight... I'm quite scared! Tell you later chick x