Sunday, January 08, 2006

There's no place like home

So where did Christmas go? It's all gone by in a blur. I got back from France in the wee small hours of this morning after a ten day trip, and tomorrow I'm back in bloody work! Did someone lean on the remote and accidentally press fast forward? Belated as it is, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!

It felt like it was still Christmas this morning (ahem, more like afternoon) when I got up and opened my mail. I had a delivery arrive while I was away of two big boxes full of clothes I bought online in the sales before I left :) I am chuffed with most of them, but I'm returning a duffle coat that makes me look like a second hand car dealer. Not the look I was going for! Then I switched on my laptop to catch up with everything and was greeted by 230 items of spam! Now I have to get ironing, and ferret out my new bag amongst the jumble of Christmas pressies stuffed in my room to prepare for tomorrow. Post-holiday blues anyone?

More later, when I'm awake!

P.S. I've heard much about the new series of Celebrity Big Brother but I can't get excited about it as there is no Jeremy Edwards for me to lust after and develop an unhealthily intense crush on. And all I can say is... Michael Barrymore?! I'm guessing there's no swimming pool then?


wondy woman said...

Welcome Home my dear! I have missed your witticisms (how the hell you meant to spell that word?!).

Glad you had a good hol, isn't it nasty having to go back to work?

Have a great first day back!

x x x x Wondy x x x x

Chica said...

Thanks Wondy! The word witticism (sp?) makes me feel very Wildean; I suddenly have a strange urge to write poetry, find some rent boys, and go shopping with Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen!

Um, can you tell it's my first day back at work? Going cuckoo already x

Anonymous said...

"Did someone lean on the remote and accidentally press fast forward?"

Tell me about it! That/this was ten days ago??

Yes, welcome back too btw!
