Friday, January 27, 2006

The A-Z of avoiding doing any actual work

I stole this from Janelle. It counts as a study break, m'lord!

A - Age I got my first kiss: 16
B - Band I'm listening to right now: The Thrills
C - Crush: Jake G./Jeremy Edwards
D - Dad's name: Pops
E - Easiest person to talk to: MJ, always
F - Favourite band at the moment: I've been rediscovering No Doubt
G - Gummy bears or gummy worms: Bears
H - Hometown: Liverpool, Liv-er-pool!
I - Instruments: Eyelash curlers, hair straighteners
K - Kids: Ewww, where?
L - Longest car ride ever: Car - Liverpool to Toulouse, coach - Liverpool to Berlin
M - Mum's name: Mrs. Christmas
N - Nicknames: Don't think I have any?
O - One wish: Long, healthy, happy lives for me and everyone I love
P - Phobia(s): Heights, up to and including flying and the central staircase at work!
Q - Quote: "I'm covered in bees!" Izzardisms largely inform my day-to-day speech
R - Reason to smile: Turning off the alarm function on my clock radio
S - Song I sang last: Mr. Cellophane (I recently watched Chicago and was ignored in conversation with housemates :P)
T - Time I hate: 7 am
W - Worst habit(s): Procrastinating... ahem
X - X-rays I've had: A couple on my hand
Y - Yummy food: I really want to go back to that Mexican!
Z - Zodiac sign: Aries

I'm guessing nobody's interested in J, U or V? Suggestions on a postcard, please! :P

1 comment:

MJ said...

OK, for J, tell us a joke (and not that lobster one), and for U, show us your underwear! I can't think of a V? love ya! x