I just thought I'd post this e-mail my tutor sent me in an attempt to fenegle some work out of me. This is actually the nicest he has ever been towards me, so I'm thinking he must have a rather desperate outlook on the whole situation regarding my dissertation?
Dear Chica,
I'm sure you'll understand my concern at not receiving a reply to any of the emails I've sent you since early in September. Please, if you are experiencing any difficulties, get in touch. It's better in the long run to meet any blocks head on rather than to go into ostrich mode and hope things'll get better. (See how well he knows me?)
I know that some students feel able to complete the dissertation module without any assistance from their supervisor. However, this invariably isn't the case. In recent years we have had students who've done this, and it has resulted in their dissertation being referred. This has then necessitated a lengthy re-writing process. In no case was the student not well able to complete the dissertation, simply that they didn't take advantage of supervision and the work submitted therefore wasn't up to scratch. I wouldn't want this to be the case with your dissertation, as your best work is easily capable of passing.
Best wishes,
Mr. Motivator
You'd really think that an e-mail like this would galvanise me into action, no? If Mr. M. does have a rather gloomy outlook on the probability of me finishing my dissertation any time soon, it's likely that I'll prove him to be correct. Especially when we consider that until yesterday, I hadn't even looked at my dissertation since I received this e-mail... on November 10th!
Please, cross everything you can for me.
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