Saturday, January 21, 2006

"I hate anal sex, and I've got a piano!"

So it's the morning after the night before. It was Lady Penelope's leaving do last night and for it we headed for some Mexican food after work. (Fajitas burned my face off.) Unfortunately, the Foot Perv tagged along to add a little freakiness to the proceedings and stare at our high heels all night.

A brief aside about Foot Perv. He is the object of much fascination amongst some in our office (and the chief topic of conversation for Lila and Burnsy), but I try to keep out of it as much as possible cos I think that on the whole he's harmless (though I do wonder sometimes, particularly since Guillermo's One Hour Photo reference.) Yesterday in work, he walked past the counter and bashed straight into a sign we have out there without even flinching or missing a step. Burnsy was in the process of serving someone and just stopped to stare at him, then apologised with a matter-of-fact "Sorry about that, I'm just obsessed with that member of staff."

I almost got left to walk over to the pub we were meeting in on my own with him but Burnsy came to my rescue and declined a lift from Jojo. I spent most of the night with Jojo and got to know a few people a bit better, like Lila for example. She reckons that she doesn't really talk about herself much (true) until she's had a few drinks, and then she's all like "My name's Lila, I hate anal sex, and I've got a piano!" These are her own words folks. Well, close enough :P

After the meal we went to Labinsky's on Mathew Street (I never go out in Mathew Street), drank horrible cocktails and had a bit of a boogie. Lila's voice is amazing and she busted some moves to make everyone laugh until practically the whole place was watching her in a strange mixture of amusement and admiration. Then I called Boyfy to pick me up and sat in Jojo's car for a bit until he turned up, when, to his delight, all the girls cooed over his Land Rover.

My DVD's arrived earlier this week so the plan for later on today is to snuggle in front of our new TV/DVD/Video Combi (so neat) and have a movie fest. Boyf gets really bored of films quite quickly though so it'll probably end up a solo effort unless I can trade him for MJ.

Yesterday I was again called upon to take the minutes and it was a bloody 'mare. Everyone was milling about in different groups talking about where was the best place for these new machines we're getting and my notes are so complicated that they hardly make sense. P.Diddy has to make sketches!

It was also Grinch's birthday. Bovvered?

OMG how good was Big Brother when they showed Preston and George nominating?! It was so funny when George was like "We'll just tell them we've been punished," on the way out and they were all watching it on the screen. Best Celeb Big Bro ever (despite the lack of Jeremy Edwards)?

1 comment:

MJ said...

Boy am I glad I sold that fucking piano!