Monday, February 27, 2006

Violets R Blue

Well-a well-a well-a ooh! I've had a lurvely weekend, with good food, good company and a good battering of my bank balance! Saturday I roped my boyfriend into some light shopping with the promise of some grub at the end of it; I got some nice shoes for work, a shirt and a very smart grey jumper, and we went for some yummy tapas and sangria. Sunday we lazed around watching Shipwrecked and then took Puppy to the park, where he barked at everything that wagged. Today was another good'n despite having to go to the hospital for a follow-up appointment, as I got half a day off work and sneaked in a bit more shopping; I treated myself to some jeans and got Puppy a jumper from Topshop! It's red and white, with a bone stitched into the back and a hood with a red bobble! SO CUTE! And all the while I was thinking 'I'm getting paid for this, tee hee!' Work was an absolute breeze this morning since I knew I wasn't in all day - oh to be a part timer! Although I probably couldn't afford to have such fabulous weekends then, and wouldn't be excitedly awaiting the arrival of my latest extravagant purchase...

It's so pretty!


Anonymous said...

A Sony Network Walkman? I think that's what it is called. When did this come about! I need to know about these fancy tech purchases! :P

Ooo...ahhh, OLED display, isn't it gorgeous? The Bugatti Veyron has gauges like that, they look so smooth, almost as if the characters were painted on. Even the background matches the colour of the device. Very nice. Getting the pink one?


Chica said...

Glad you approve D! I actually got the violet one pictured and I love it! As for them looking so smooth, well there's a story about that I shall post later! x