Friday, February 03, 2006

Eau de Bertolli

It's lunch time on a Friday. I should be excited with the anticipation of the end of the working week and a fabulous host of weekend activities to look forward to, but I'm sick! I'm sniffling through the day, looking like crap and trying very hard not to be monosyllabic. I'm just going to have a moan for a bit. Scroll down and indulge in some Hoff instead if you wish.

I've hardly slept all week. I keep waking up with a fright at all hours through the night (3:36, 4:07, 5:55, 6:28, etc. according to the glaring red digits of my alarm clock) and looking at the clock thinking that I will be late for work. Why is this happening? I've been late like, twice since I started, so it's not like it's something to worry about. I also had a meeting with my manager yesterday, and my six month probationary period is finally up at work, so I get a pay rise! And then another one in April! But back to the hollerin' and a-fussin'. This morning I was in such a state of zombification that I forgot to put the lid on my tub of yummy tomatoey pasta, and I'm afraid the flimsy layer of cling film that was present was not up to the job of saving the contents of my handbag! I had to scrape the sauce off everything at first break; it is not a pretty sight. It was a yummy lunch, not quite worth the drama, but it would have been worse if my bag had leaked too - the coat I am wearing today is beige. The horror! The horror!

Anyhoo. Tomorrow morning, if I feel a bit perkier than I do right now, Boyf and I are going to an antiques fair at St. George's Hall, followed by coffee and cake of some sort, and a little light shopping. If I just focus on that maybe I can forget about the pasta sauce smell emanating from my handbag. Honestly, it's quite tiring being this glamorous you know!


Anonymous said...

Some multigrain bread toast would go so well with your handbag...mmmm ;)

- David

Chica said...

You wouldn't have liked it, David. There were *whispers* mushrooms x

Anonymous said...


Then again...I did eat a bug.

- David