Monday, September 12, 2005

To be continued...

As I'm at work I can't update ya'll on the fun of the weekend yet, but you can expect a rave review of Crash (okay maybe not a bona fide review, more of a thumbs up), and pictures of cute animals from my trip to the Zoo! So check back, I promise Orangutans!

Oh, and by the way, last week when putting together information packs for new students, Potter asked whether he had overtaken me or if I'd lapped him... so. hard. not to make a dirty joke! See, I'm resisting.


jnelle said...

never resist the dirty joke. that's the basis of which most comediens build their acts!

and OOOH! orangutans!!!!

Chica said...

hey you, good to see ya! Loving your new blog, thanks again for the link!