Monday, September 26, 2005

Lust for Glorious

Looks like Sienna just walked in.

So how was your weekend? I had a total laze-fest, it was glorious. I really miss my boyfriend though. He's in Glasgow this week, due home tomorrow, can't wait! Am hoping for something along the lines of that famous scene from An Officer and a Gentleman, but I don't think he has the outfit... we should get him that outfit! I'm working late tomorrow and could really do with the distraction.

Behold the fabulousness of the new Sex and the City: The Complete Series shoe box! I want one! I'm holding out until after Christmas; if Santa doesn't read my blog, I'll splurge and buy it myself (just hope they don't sell out or something!) I can justify the spending because I'll really get my moneys worth out of it. SATC marathons are a regular occurrence at the Chica residence. It's so pretty!

Yesterday, I watched Closer. Oh My God. How disgusting are men?! Yeuch, I hope Clive Owen doesn't kiss his mother with that mouth! Bar of soap needed, stat. I do not get how Julia's character (my mate Julia Roberts that is :P) could find that man attractive when he is portrayed as such a sleazebag. That scene with Natalie Portman? Gross! I know Jude Law's character wasn't exactly squeaky clean on the language front, but that computer scene - how did they get away with showing that?! - was pretty funny. "Graphic sexual dialogue" indeed! That being said, I'd recommend this film. (But it should be rated NEVER WATCH IT WITH YOUR PARENTS... or on a first date, for that matter.) And I really liked Julia's eye make up! Natalie with red hair reminded me of Sharon Osbourne, but she rocked the pink wig.


I filled out a job application yesterday too. It took me half the day! Bah - I hate supporting statements. It's for some student liaison post, helping them find work placements. It's better paid than my current job and has more chance of going somewhere. I've been trawling job websites recently. If any of them are actually interested in me, I don't think I'm going to be too popular with my boss, getting calls for references already! *sigh* Why can't I just wake up tomorrow and be Zadie Smith? I mean, is that too much to ask?


Olivia Twist said...

Hi. Just ran into your blog and I love it. :-) My name is Alexis, I'm 35 and live in alaska. I must say, that I totally agree with you about the movie "Closer". It was FABULOUS. I loved it from the beginning.

wondy woman said...

Hello. LOVE that box set too! It's soooo cool.

I loved Closer too but even I cringed inwardly a few times when the word C*nt came out. I work with a Dubliner for god's sake and she peppers EVERY sentence with it and it still made me stop in my tracks.

That scene with Nat in the club when she shows Clive her whoopsie? *blush* I friggin' loved the movie though and still love it now. Love the soundtrack too.

You ARE Zadie Smith already but better!

Wondy x

wondy woman said...

And Nat with pink hair - oh yes! That is why I want it!!

Chica said...

Alexis - hi, thanks so much! I can't believe it's taken me so long to see this movie. I could watch it again straight away!

Wondy - Oh My God, best compliment ever! Yeah, you know the scene I'm talking about! I was gobsmacked! The film was definitely not what I expected. As for the pink hair, I don't think I could handle that style 24/7, but it would definitely be a fun look to try :)