Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Stand and Deliver

Even though I have just sent a text to Guillermo bemoaning the compulsory oohing and ahhing girls are compelled to do in the proximity of friends/colleagues' babies (be they admittedly adorable like Lady P's or a screaming harpy), I just have to take time out for a baby blog. I went to see my new baby great-nephew on Sunday and he's sooooo tiny. I held him and there was no weight to him at all. He has blue eyes like my niece's and thick dark hair. My niece sounded amazingly grown up. I went to the hospital with my sister and my nieces, who are all gorgeous and brown after their recent holiday. My sister is so confident driving now (we passed our tests in the same month.) I need to get back in the saddle!

So I'm in the process of applying for a couple of jobs. One of them is part time so if I got it I'd ask to cut my hours down here and do them both. I really like the idea of that because it would shake things up a little and make life more interesting. I also applied for a job I'm not qualified for, but I thought what the hey, you never know your luck. I really, really, really hope I get one of them. Even though I'm only new here and everything and things are about to pick up and get crazy, the idea of working here for a long period of time with nothing new on the horizon depresses me. It's weird because I've always worked towards something, some goal like exams or deadlines or new semesters. I don't like the idea of not having that.

In other news, my dissertation I've been worrying over getting in for this month is apparently due in in February, as I found out after emailing my ever-absent tutor. I hope he's got it right and isn't just being a div. I should probably call someone who knows what they're talking about, but I'm always scared they'll say something along the lines of "muahahahaha now we can charge you more fees!"

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