Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Good, the Bad and the Fugly

Good: *searching* Towards the end of the day some sweet guy came up and asked me how to spell apologise, because he thought he was spelling it right but spellcheck was marking it wrong. I went and changed the language from English US to English UK, solving the problem. It's a simple thing but it was nice that I knew how to help him, and he was really appreciative, which feels good. Yes, this is the closest I get to job satisfaction. Unlike somebody :)

Bad: Stoopid Supervisor Hag belittling me in front of everyone and making me start the horrendous Guide job before my lunch was even over. A Guide is basically just an extra person on hand to show people things like the library catalogues and give directions and stuff, but it was dead today so it basically involved just hanging around the self issue machines waiting for a person who hasn't used it before to rock up. Also bad was the mere presence of 70's-Thinks-he's-a-Pimp, who makes me hurl. Number of enemies made today: #2.

Ugly: Me standing facing everybody on the counter as the Guide trying not to cry. And failing. I've been emotional all day and the stupid Hag pushed me over the edge by being a bitch for no reason (other than, as I found out later, her boss being on her case telling her to make sure people were doing their jobs properly. Shit rolls downhill, as my mum is fond of saying.) I think she was trying to make an example of me (despite the fact I was doing nothing wrong) because I'm new so she thinks she can get away with talking to me like shit whereas anyone else would have told her to get knotted. In the end I was crying because I was stood there like a Freak on show trying not to cry and to look friendly and approachable at the same time. For an hour. It got so bad that I was trying to remember the words to Barry Manilow and Wham songs to keep my mind busy. Perhaps that was a mistake. Sass eventually came over (interrupting my interior monologue of itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini) and took me to the Staff Room, which was full of people, so now the whole staff team have seen my red eyes. Then the manager asked to see me in her office. She was really nice but I've made a complete show of myself today and cried so much since then that I've made myself sick :(

Pretty much the worst day at work ever.

Ah well, Lost is on tonight. Sass tried to cheer me up by saying I should pretend I was going home to Matthew Fox, and in this small way I am :P


MJ said...

((((((((((((HUG))))))))))))) Hag is a complete powertripping bitch from what you told me. I still think you should let me come in and wind them up, I can be a veeeery difficult customer and wipe the smirk off 70's nobhead's face. Karma Chameleon works for me (but avoid Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?) Hope you have a better day today, "work it girl!"

Chica said...

Cheers me luv. I need only think of your lovely face to cheer me up! It's all good in the hood so far, feel like a wally but it's in the past now!

wondy woman said...

Chin up darling, that bitch sounds like she's got it coming. remember what goes around comes around, you just stay the way you are and it'll happen soon.

I'm more a Sawyer kinda girl, I have to be honest.

Wondy x

Chica said...

Thanks Wondy! :) I have to agree that Sawyer is better looking, but he was such a sleaze in the last episode.

wondy woman said...

I know - part of the appeal!

Thanks for the link to me - I feel all fuzzy and chuffed inside!

Wondy x

Chica said...

Any time! :)