Monday, September 19, 2005

It is a truth universally acknowledged...

...that any adaptation of Pride & Prejudice that omits its most famous line is making a mistake. Even Bridget Jones knew that!

Tell me why, I don't like mondays, tell me why, I don't like mondays, I wanna shoo-hoo-hoo-hoo... hold up... it's monday and I'm sitting in bed supping a cup of Yorkshire tea in my pyjamas! :) You gotta love days in lieu. I'm not gonna slob around all day though, I'm heading to uni later to sort out registering and due dates and whether they're gonna try and charge me more fees *gulp* What can I wear? It's funny but I've started to hate wearing anything I've worn to work on my days off. I guess I'll need a whole separate free time wardrobe *sigh*

I'm so happy I could cry. I probably won't feel this way at seven in the morning when I have to drag my ass out of bed and haul it to the bus - stop... I'm on a late tomorrow, lie in for me! Okay I'll stop being smug now, but I have to make the most of these small pleasures while they last, it's proper term time this week and you may find me hiding under the counter because of the change in pace. I'm not looking forward to angry queues of people cursing me for fucking up the till. I'll have to pull out the tried and tested 'la, la, I can't hear you' routine. But I don't have to worry about that until tomorrow. So shush me.

Yesterday was lovely. We spent most of the weekend recovering from our colds (if I'm sick, boyf always has to be sick too, or he feels left out. Bless.) So we snuggled in bed with mugs of tea and comfort food. He bought things on eBay. I watched movies. Sunday afternoon we ventured out to the cinema for Pride & Prejudice. It's one of those movies you already know if you'll love or hate, but I love the novel, Jane Austen is my hero, so I was glued. Not so the bloke on the end of our row, who fell asleep and started snoring. It is a bit drawn out with none of Austen's lively wit to fill the gaps, but it's gorgeously done. My boyfriend had complaints about Mr. Darcy though. He was expecting more of a "Diet Coke man", i.e. sexy, and some romping. He did however like Keira's teeth.

After the film we went for an Italian, which was lush but it was way too hot in the restaurant. Some gross couple (who, my spies inform me, had just met) were making out in the seating area. They had Swing music playing for most of the night and then they played 'Let's Get It On'. Homage?

My P&P verdict: Fall in love with the book first, then you can appreciate seeing it played out on screen with the benefit of Austen's narrative style in your head. The sets are beautiful and I think next time I read the book I'll be able to imagine that time more clearly. But that bit at the end where Elizabeth is talking to her dad? That kind of stunk. Mr. Darcy is a bit wimpy too, but it's hard not to think of him as Colin Firth. It had me at hello.

Boyfs P&P verdict: "I was dying to know what was happening in the theatre next door, I could hear car chases and everything!"

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