Thursday, August 25, 2005

Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead

Today at work I actually put these words into Google: 'define: tedium' (ooh, but I did get a new chair!) So I've made a new game up to keep me entertained. It's called: Flirting with Potter. Seriously, I can't help myself today. My God-awful lines have included: "Does your trolley want to ride with me?" and, "Hello, I'm here to relieve you." Sexual harassment much? Okay so the thing to note here (for anyone thinking 'don't you have a boyfriend?') is that I don't actually fancy Potter (he has long fingernails), but he has a really attractive personality and even laughs at my lame ass attempts at double entendre. Just for the record, I didn't intend any of my double entendres today, they just sort of fell from my mouth. I think its an act of rebellion against being polite from 8:30 to 5:00. Maybe one day I'll start yelling at people on the bus. Until then I'll have to worry Potter for my own amusement *sigh*

Last night I half-watched Lost, half-shopped online. I got an email about a Sale. It called to me like a mythical sea siren luring weary sailors to their doom, or something. I ordered a whole heap of stuff and then couldn't remember exactly what this morning. It was one of those shopping hazes, induced by the 'all sale items a fiver' banner slithering across the screen in neon pink. Then, I got an email in work saying that two of the nicest things I ordered were out of stock. Waaaaa, I say. I was already envisioning wearing one of them with my jeans and a funky headband. Damn you! But please deliver the rest of my clothes safely, thanks :)

Oh, did I mention I'm off tomorrow?

P.S. Happy Birthday to Hoggle, who reached the grand old age of *ahem - pardon, didn't quite catch that* yesterday.

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