Friday, August 19, 2005

You're never fully dressed without a smile

As I rambled in a recent post, I had the greatest long weekend. Monday night the Boyf and I opened a bottle of Claret. We glugged away happily, watched TV (we bought it to sip in the garden but the weather was poo), and went to bed early so we'd be all refreshed and recuperated for work the next day. Some time in the wee small hours, we were disturbed by what sounded like an unruly mob outside our window, shouting to each other very loudly. Then we heard much screeching of tyres. To this I responded: "Ugh, it's so noisy," and rolled over. Boyf climbed out of bed and went to see what was going on. The unruly mob were in fact police officers, milling about in the street and standing around a neighbours densely planted garden like gnomes who'd been let at the kinky dress up box. Or something. Boyf came back to bed and we resigned ourselves to blocking out the episode of NYPD Blue playing out at the foot of our driveway. Then: the dreaded helicopter, which hovered directly over our house for about an hour, presumably deciding whether to use our garden as a helipad. I knew we should never have mown that big 'H' into the lawn. Much sleep was not had.

Tuesday at work I was greeted by the weird bloke who asked Weezer out, then bumped into him about seven times. Had fun talking to Potter about The Princess Bride and Labyrinth. He was amused and disbelieving when I said I'd never seen Labyrinth: "What age are you?!" I was three when it was released, but apparently that's no excuse for such ignorance. I wouldn't have known what The Princess Bride was if Guillermo hadn't got me it for my birthday. I think you need to see these films as a kid to hold quite so much affection for them though. Anyway he brought the DVD in for me yesterday so I'm gonna watch it over the weekend. I think offering Donnie Darko up as one of my favourite films bought me some respect from him too. It's probably a good thing he doesn't know Mean Girls is another. Me and MJ love Lindsay Lohan movies!

My poor baby puppy hasn't been too well recently and we've made a couple of trips to the vets. He has to take two lots of tablets, and one type are in capsule form so we've been inventing ways to trick him into eating them. The vet has a bit of a soft spot for Pup. The first time she saw him she exclaimed: "My, he's rather rotund isn't he!" We took him for a stroll in the park today and now he's snoozing happily. We had ice creams and lounged on the grass, it was pretty. Puppy had many admirers and a couple of people stopped to stroke him on our walk. "Everyone wants my doggie," I said to Boyf, who replied: "He's my doggie, I'm holding his lead!" I rest my case.

Wednesday morning I was accosted on my way to work by somebody thrusting a pile of books at me. I told them they'd have to come into the library when it opened. He was like, "You can't just take them now?" Um, yes sir, I'll just whip a Self Return out of my handbag, no of course I don't mind carting your books around in my own time. Sheesh. Luckily there were plenty of nice people turning up on Thursday to make up for it. One guy was kicking up a fuss about getting fined on books because he said he hadn't received any emails from us about them. Potter had been dealing with him but then the bloke went off to check his email and when he came back it was my turn on the counter. I thought he might be awkward but he was sheepish since he'd found the emails and was soooooooo nice about paying, even when the till broke. The till crashed twice on me yesterday. Bitch hates me. Thankfully I had another lovely student the second time it happened. Cheerful people really brighten up your day. Some funny guy came in too who was also unhappy about paying for a book he'd lost. He thought he might have knocked it into a bin next to his desk by accident, and was trying to argue that that was the same thing as losing it in a house fire. We just laughed at him, but he was good natured enough.

Tonight we're off out to a French restaurant and I'm trying to decide what to wear. I'm fed up of my haircut and am thinking about what styles might suit me. I'm also returning to the question of whether to pierce my ears. I don't have one single piercing, and I love earrings. I'm hoping to squeeze in some shopping this weekend as I have spotted a fab pair of gold heels that require further investigation. I'm off to scrub up nice. Ciao for now.

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