Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Great Auntie Chica

Weezer's weird guy asked me out this morning. He seemed embarrassed when I told him I had a boyfriend so I kind of felt bad for him. I wonder how many libraries he visits in a day, asking all the staff out. I'd been trying to avoid him but he foxed me by getting a haircut and wearing a different coat! We reckon Potter may be next since the weird dude seems to like blondes.

By the by, Potter continues to impress. We had a conversation with Lady P. about Big Fish (the movie, in case you thought I'd turned into a crazy angler.)

Me: "I cried my eyes out at the end!"
Potter: "Me too!"

I love boys who cry, they're so cute. I have an opening for a movie buddy too...

But the biggest news is that I am now a great aunt! Yes, my gorgeous little niece has a gorgeous little boy of her own. How nuts that my sister is a grandma. He was born on Sunday 28th, a little after 9 am and weighed 5 pounds 11 ounces. He's teeny tiny and looks like his dad from what I can tell on the photographs. I haven't been to see him yet. What makes a good present for a new mum?

The weekend brought the Mathew Street Festival and lots of fun was had by all. A little too much fun in some cases. On Sunday we headed into town and hit a few bars, listened to some live music. They had a fair in the street and we marveled at how the people on this scary looking ride were barely missing the buildings on either side of the road as they swung from side to side. We should've took photos. We had a few drinks in Mathew Street and listened to some Beatles tunes in Lennon's Bar, then chilled out in Concert Square, sipping Baileys and cowering in the shade. Food was necessary at this point so we had burgers and fries and Eddie's. We thought we'd go back through to Mathew Street then and have a dance, but the atmosphere had changed, everyone was way too drunk, causing argy bargy and throwing up, so we walked along by the Three Graces to the Albert Dock and had a last drink at The Pump House before catching a taxi home. Monday we lazed around for most of the afternoon (and watched The Great Escape) and then went back into town to check out some of the free concerts. We lingered at the Tapas bar longer than we should have (and missed most of all the concerts as a consequence!) but it was really nice eating tapas and drinking sangria on a Monday when we should have been in work!

I got the clothes I ordered in last week's Sale today. They arrived in a big box and I opened it when I got home from work. It was like a mini-Christmas!

In the words of the Fresh Prince: Smell ya later!

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