Monday, May 16, 2005

No Time to Lose

... and yet! My friend David sent me this with his answers so it got me thinking about mine. Here they are, ready or not:

Ten random things about me:
10 - I type with one hand
9 - I talk to my dog in baby language and make up silly names for him (he looks on in contempt, but wags anyway :))
8 - I often daydream about a different life
7 - I hate wooden kitchen utensils... think nails scratching across a chalkboard *shudder*
6 - I can't swim but I love the sea
5 - Shopping makes me happy - no! never! I hear you cry
4 - I hate calling people and, boyfy excluded, only do so if absolutely necessary/a friend is upset/I will go to gaol if I don't
3 - Bizarre but true: when I'm angry/upset, I sing in the shower (sorry neighbours)
2 - I'm very proud to be my grandfather's granddaughter :) even though I used to stamp on his foot when I was little and think it was hilarious
1 - I know all the words to the theme tune of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air... who doesn't?

Nine ways to win my heart:
9 - Be my friend
8 - Buy me something pretty, hehe
7 - Share my enthusiasm for Big Brother... ahem
6 - Sing to me whether you can sing or not, or leave musical voicemails on my phone :)
5 - Make me feel safe
4 - Be addicted to texting
3 - Love to travel, and take me with you :) (I'm talking road trips, not Barbados)
2 - Be spontaneous and love life (I once willed someone to turn back in his car, drive to uni and kiss me in the library stacks :P)
1 - Avoid slobbery kissing! Eeeew.

Eight things I carry/wear every day:
8 - Make Poverty History wristband - buy it now!
7 - A smile :)
6 - The ring my boyf bought me for passing my A' levels
5 - Cute pictures of my nieces in my purse
4 - Inevitably, old cinema tickets... they're everywhere!
3 - Blusher. Sometimes I overdo it and look like Aunt Sally, but I don't care!
2 - Mobile phone - handy for texting and snapping pics of, for example, celebs you may spot wandering around town. If only they'd been invented when I saw Tim Vincent in Pizza Hut! He does a Specsavers ad now :P
1 - In winter, a scarf, in summer, funky sunglasses which I always break!

Seven things that annoy me:
7 - Prejudice
6 - SpongeBob SquarePants... why?
5 - Being treated like a doormat by people who I cared about
4 - People who are rude to waitresses/waiters, and general rudeness or people on power trips... seven isn't enough :P
3 - Bitchy shop assistants. There are shops I avoid cos the girls are snotty and ones I go to cos I like the people.
2 - Kids. I hate 'em. Grow up and get a job already :P
1 - Smoking

Six places I've visited or intend to:
6 - Greece
5 - Portugal, where I lost my boyfriend to Superbock beer :P
4 - France France France
3 - Menorca - Son Bou Beach!
2 - Berlin
1 - Buckingham Palace, picnic on Liz's lawn no less :)

6 - New York. Massive Surprise
5 - European Cities: Rome, Copenhagen, Prague
4 - New Orleans
3 - Canada
2 - Japan
1 - Maldives/Mauritius/Hawaii

Five things I want to do before I die:
5 - Visit all the places mentioned above, and then some
4 - Adopt a child (I figure I won't hate my own)
3 - Win an Oscar, or at least go to the ceremony looking glam :)
2 - Live in a gorgeous house by the sea
1 - Have a job that I love

Four things I'm afraid of:
4 - Flying :( A major spanner in the works
3 - Rejection, despite mucho experience :P Actually, I think I'm more scared of spiders...
2 - Getting old
1 - Death... but that's a given? The C word

Three things I do every day:
3 - Say "I love you" to someone I love
2 - Write
1 - Be late for something

Two things I'm trying not to do now:
2 - Procrastinate... going soooooooo well
1 - Worry

One person I want to see now:
1 - My lovely boyf :)

1 comment:

Chica said...

Not THAT C word :P Big scary illness, caused by smoking and a kazillion other mysterious reasons. Two syllables, sounds like Dancer.

In other news, someone left a link to porn on my blog :( Hiss! Boooo! ...Don't be looking for it Guillermo, I trashed that sucker.