Friday, May 20, 2005

Kids say the funniest things, Part Deux

I know I said I hate kids ya’ll, but sometimes you have to love them for pure comedy value. Plus, this kid happens to be my niece, who, despite being the spawn of Satan (my bro in law... let's call him Dick, is on a mission to ruin my life - like the Murphy’s, I’m not bitter), is adorable.

Little Dude: I can count to a hundred!

Me: (realising my mistake as the words tumbled out of my stupid gob) Really? Can you? Go on then.

Voice in my Head: NOOOOOO! WHY?!!!!!

LD: ooooone, twoooooo, threeeeee, foooooour.……. (several minutes later) thirty-twooooo, thirty-threeeeee, thirty-

Me: Can you count in tens?

Also in the same encounter, Surreal Sentences 101:

LD: Guess what? We saw a dead pancake by the park, and Chantelle/Demi/Stacey touched it! (matter-of-factly) It’s cos she wants to be a vet.

FYI: She calls magpies ‘pancakes’, and we have absolutely no clue as to why.

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