It was a really nice day so we went to Concert Square, hoping to sit outside and enjoy the waning sun, but it was really crowded and we had to sit inside at Modo's. I had a couple of Long Cosmopolitans. We went to a few more bars and then had an Italian and caught a taxi home just in time for Green Wing! Um, not on purpose or anything of course...
Changing your route to work can make life more interesting!
Oh but I do have to complain about one teeny thing and that is getting rudely awoken at eight in the morning when I've looked forward to a sleep in all week and not having to set my alarm. Instead of the local radio station blaring at me from somewhere to my right I had Boyf's phone going off and him YELLING down the phone in bed next to me as if he was calling long distance and using two old tin cans and a bit of string to do so, the nob! I don't know, men eh? Can't live with them, can't beat them with a stick.
Ooh, which reminds me to confide that I've become completely hooked on yet another trashy reality show - Beauty and the Geek (UK version). It showed on E4 a while ago and I was like, "Oh for Pete's sake, I won't be watching that load of drivel!" Then I accidentally watched an episode when they repeated it on Channel 4 and loved it. It's nearly finished now so I can safely tell you all about it without fearing an Intervention. In tonight's episode they faced a challenge to test their common sense and initiative. The challenge took them out of the mansion where the show is filmed on a hike around the grounds (Essex girl Sam, sulkily stomping along: "If I wanted to walk I'd be a fucking rambler.") One of the tests was getting a key out of a block of ice. There were various instruments available for them to do this but they had to choose one method and stick to it. The first couple decided to pick up the kettle and the ice and go all the way back to the house with it. The second couple built a fire and melted the block on top of it. On the third couple's turn, former child prodigy Ed stood for a while analysing the ice block and the items scattered on the ground - kettle, blow torch, matches etc. - until former prettiest-girl-in-her-school Sam got fed up and took charge: "Why don't we just fro it?" she suggested, and they did and won :) The bloke from Peep Show does the voiceover for it, which lends it just the right amount of sarcasm and self-mockery, and gives me a semi plausible excuse for liking it :P
I'm totally bigging up Channel 4 on this blog aren't I? ...Did I just say big up?