Thursday, April 27, 2006

"I am quick: I play netball."

Some could mistake our Staff Room for Play School when all the interesting people are in there at once. Here is a conversation that took place yesterday as Sassy held an orange creme to ransom.

Crunchie: Hey - that was mine, it was on my leg!
Sassy: That means I can pull it off, it's anyone's, they're the rules.
Crunchie: If I leave something else on my leg will you pull that off?
Sassy: Not tonight love. Okay then, I'll just leave it on my leg and see who gets it - but I am quick: I play netball.

Potter thanked us for his leaving pressies with a box of Heroes and a tin of Quality Street. They were here on Monday. The scramble for the last ones took place on Wednesday afternoon. We're a bunch of gannets!

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