Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Thornfield Hall

Hey you guyyyyys! (To be imagined in the style of Sloth from The Goonies.)

I don't know why, I just felt like a Sloth moment. Maybe because I'm at work wishing I could commit at least a few of the 7 Deadly Sins?

News on the job offer. I went over there on Sunday to check the place out and it is properly romantic! It's like something out of the pages of Jane Eyre, but you know, with less oppression and cruelty to children. Because it is so far away (300 miles of commuting a week anyone?) they said I could have a room there - they are like uni dorms and quite sweet, but the drawback is I'd really miss my Boyf during the week and it's in the middle of nowhere with just a few old librarians for company! I so want the job because it's a great opportunity and the bloke who would be interviewing me really seemed to be selling the place to me which suggests that he'd like me for the job, so I think I'd have a good chance even though I'm not strictly qualified for it (he said his eyes lit up when he spotted my CV on their file!) I get the idea it would be a much more relaxed place to work and they'd actually treat me like a grown up with something to offer rather than a kid to be ordered around all day like in my current job. But the commute is just too much, I'd be out of pocket by the time I'd paid all my expenses, and the holidays suck compared to what I get now...

Tell me to be sensible, tell me!


wondy woman said...

Oh my go for it - you can always come back if you don't like it - boyf will still be there - go for it go for it!!

I would!

MJ said...

No! Be sensible! And never mind Boyf, don't leave me!!!!

wondy woman said...

Maybe he's right don't leave him!! I don't know the right answer but I know you will make the right decision!!