Friday, November 25, 2005

Wonders Never Cease

Firstly, a pic in honour of Wondy's 28th birthday! Happy Birthday! Follow this link for a rollicking good read.

Guess what chafes more, the rope or these pants?

Um, I have been asked to apply for a job in Wales (well, just
over the border.) Looks like my eh what the hell I'm not qualified for this job but screw it I'll still apply technique has finally paid off! I was rejected for this position I applied for (that you needed a PhD for... ahem) but they wrote me again and said: hey here's another job you're not qualified for but we're not fussy wanna apply? It's better money than I'm on now, but not by much and I'd probably have to buy a car to feasibly get there and/or a place in Chester... or somewhere a bit closer that doesn't require a footballer's salary. Shit. Then I'll really be a fucking grown up.

Even though they've only asked me to apply and I haven't got an interview or whatever for sure I'm feeling pretty excited about it. Although it may not even be practical to work there (the place is absolutely gorgeous as well!) it just feels kinda cool that someone liked something about my application and got in touch - things like that don't generally happen to me.


wondy woman said...

You are soooooo cool ! I LOVE YOU! Thank you for my birthday message - you're so nice!

wondy woman said...

About the job, you're right, they obviously saw something special in you - and think how many applications they probably had - it's really cool. You are right to be excited. I admire the fact you are open to new things, like different places to work and live. I wish I was braver.

Chica said...

Hi Wondy, you're so welcome! Hope you had a great day - I loved the pics on your blog! I'm pretty sure I can't take the job as it's so impractical, but I'm still dreaming! x