Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Summertime, and the livin' is easy...

So, my summer mission is to read more. I used to read so much for pleasure, and then with my course and everything, I just stopped, because everything I read was prescribed and I was counting the pages left to go and struggling to meet deadlines and stuff. I think my lack of inspiration may have something to do with this decline in reading for pleasure. Or maybe working nine to five really does just kill all my creativity. Whatever the case, I'm really going to make an effort. And it's not like I ever stopped reading, but I plan to make more time for it. I am currently reading Donna Tartt's The Little Friend, which I bought years ago and kept starting and stopping, putting down and picking up, so I dusted it off again last week and began afresh from the beginning. It took a little while for me to get into, because I loved loved loved The Secret History and perhaps expected to love this straight away too, but I'm kind of hooked now, apart from a few chapters that I just want to get through and get back to Harriet, one of the central characters. But on the whole I'm enjoying it. There is also a little boy in it called Hely (pronounced Healy), which I just think is the cutest name and may steal it one day - far into the future!

Not long before that I finished On Beauty, which I kind of felt the same about since I'm crazy about Zadie Smith's other novels, so it had a lot to live up to, but to tell you the truth I'd read her shopping lists if she published them. It felt strange to have a ZS novel set so much in the US, although there were descriptions of London like little signposts throughout.

I was very tempted to buy a couple of books in the Amazon Sale, and still might. Those pesky Recommendations lists are going to skint me! But working in a library does have it's advantages, as I've ordered Memoirs of a Geisha and Midnight's Children from the Literature library to read over the summer.

That's my side project. The main one is necessarily my dissertation, which I bravely (or foolishly, depending how well you know me and the likelihood of my pulling this off) am trying to get into some
sort of condition to hand in to my tutor by September. You know, only a year since I last e-mailed him... You think he wonders if I'm still alive?

Oh, and then there's renovating the French house. I'm going to be quite busy, no?

1 comment:

karla said...

I'm reading My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Piccoult right now, and it's SO great. I'll be glad when I'm done with it so I can get some sleep instead of staying up til 2 every night reading.