Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Lonely Hearts

Tuesday Late Night with Foot Perv. This is The End Doomsayers speak of. However, I am determined to make good use of the time I am forced to spend in a stuffy library instead of being outside in perhaps the most glorious sunshine so far this year. Since it is so quiet, this is valuable thinking time to mull over a couple of quandaries that are at the forefront of my mind right now.

Firstly, is it better to take off two Mondays, or four Friday afternoons over the next six weeks? Two Mondays equals two long weekends, and two short weeks. But four Friday afternoons mean four excellent chances to shop, go for long lunches, early showings at the cinema, etc. I just cannot decide what's best. Maybe I should have one Monday and two Friday afternoons? Oooh, snaps for me.

The second dilemma is a little more difficult to solve, and that is how to find the perfect woman for Studmuffin. He is: funny, generous, geek chic with a passion for history. Lives life to Dewey Order. He wants: curvaceous Goddess to worship. It's terribly difficult to hook someone up with a man everyone thinks is gay...


Anonymous said...

Tease! Stop talking about me! :-(


wondy woman said...

Good God, he's perfect for me, I'm perfect for him - now just to bump off the boyf...

Chica said...

David, I am so not talking about you, it would be utterly impossible to locate your perfect woman! (Aside from you know who.) Oh, and I'll put a picture of Studmuffin on Flickr later for you, as proof!

Wondy, he often says the best ones are taken, how true in your case! x

MJ said...

It's so funny, you've made friends with me inverted! (IE I'm gay and everyone thinks I'm straight... I'm sure there is some Sex and the City material on this)

The one Monday two Fridays compromise is a good'un, four Fridays shopping would bankrupt you, and you can take your anniversary off, it's a Monday! What would you do without me to organise your schedule eh?

Anonymous said...

