Thursday, June 09, 2005

Moaning Minnie

Today is a day for things going wrong. Completely trivial things that I won't care about tomorrow, but things that make my boyfriend stressed and hence drive me up the wall. Honest to God, three minor set backs and it's like the Wall Street Crash or something. Firstly, Klick. We went to pick some photographs up we put in to be developed yesterday. Half weren't ready and the other half were dramatically overpriced at 23 pence per photograph, there were more than 70 pictures on our camera. This wasn't the price we were quoted, but when we objected the girl simply told us whoever gave us that price didn't usually work in that shop and normally operated a different machine. So, that's obviously our mistake. Asda charge £5 for 50 photographs, so we were a bit miffed that we'd gone to Klick. In case you missed it, the subtle lesson here is not to go to Klick with your digital cameras. So, on to get our currency changed to euros for the France trip. We'd tried this the day before too but the swipey thing for credit cards wasn't working. It still wasn't working. Steam is coming out of boyfriend's ears at this point in time. So then the drive home. Boyfriend moans about this that and the other, slowly grinding me down. Then something comes on the radio about new proposals for charging drivers per mile they drive or some crap. Boyfriend mutters about that. Once at home, I get out my new hoody. I notice a series of small holes in the back of it, presumably from when the shop girl removed the electronic tag. It was the last one, so I can't even exchange it, but I should hopefully get my money back. Unless tomorrow is like today.

However, there is good stuff too. The drop dead sexy hunk isn't available until Monday, but I spoke to hilarious Australian woman today instead, and she was lovely. Sample quote: "Isn't this exciting? I have such a good feeling about this job don't you? I'll do anything I can to help you." Gave me lots of food for thought, so I can impress them in the interview with all my strong views on things like copyright and censorship. Now I just have to get some. I love the way I have to assemble a crack team of experts to have a hope of getting this job :P And, there is a glimmer of a chance I may be going shopping in Manchester tomorrow. I need holiday gear so here's hoping.

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