Thursday, October 27, 2005

Lost in Translation

People, I am so utterly fried. I am still stuck in work. If it wasn't for P.Diddy I don't think I could have made it this far - I'd have ripped off my Staff badge and gone skipping and screaming into the night. Working with Foot Perv is like being on a seesaw of awkwardness and morbid fascination. Even when the poor bloke says something normal, it's a shock coming from his mouth. It's like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs.*

Oooh, Dave has smuggled an mp3 player in. Lucky bastard.

So I got on my usual bus today that I ride every single day to work and sat there for like an hour or however long it takes to get 15 minutes away from my workplace. Then the bus stops and everyone gets off but me. I just sat there, until the bus driver leans over and tells me it's the last stop. What? Since when? So I had to leg it to work. Maybe he just saw there was only one person and thought 'fuck it'?

In exactly 12 hours time (God willing) I'll be on that bus again on the way here. How depressing. I'll just have time to get home, wash my hair, straighten my hair, iron my trousers and make my lunch. Guillermo however, is having a whale of a time cavorting around from one social event to another this evening. Jealous!

I'll leave you with a conversation I had with an international student earlier when I asked him very nicely to repeat something I'd missed:

Him: Are you foreign?
Me: No
Him: Then why do you have a problem understanding English?

Charmed, I'm sure!

*Yes, I'm stealing from Mean Girls.

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