Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Tuesday Morning

It's early Tuesday morning. I have this annoying cold that rather cruelly won't let me sleep through its yuckifying effects. My poor baby puppy has one too. I call him a puppy but he's really not, but he's still little and cute so I think he qualifies :) I have zero plans for today even though there are lots of things I should be doing, I have like six months of studying to catch up on and a wardrobe explosion in my bedroom. I still can't believe Christmas is over and we're in the second month of 2005! So, my lovely friend David told me to start up a blog, and here I am. It was my New Years resolution, well, one of a bunch of resolutions, so I'm a bit late. My other ones are generally more philosophical, things like living a more full life, the kind of resolution you make nearly every other day truth be known. My cold has put paid to that one for the past week or so too! It's really thrown me off my natural rhythm; I woke up at 5 am this morning with the desire to go out dancing. I have unworn outfits in my wardrobe, I blame them, that always bugs me.

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