Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Coffee House

I just made a pot of coffee and am waiting for my sexy man to get out of bed so we can make pancakes. It's such a rock 'n' roll lifestyle I lead! See how romantic that is though? It's like a scene after a good date on Sex and the City! I'm gearing up for Valentines Day. I still don't know what to do for that though, or what gift to give. What do boys like? Hmmmm... I can think of a few obvious things. I'm talking about socks so get your mind out of the gutter! Haha. My helpful pals down at the library, I know you're reading this, you bunch of skivers - any suggestions would be very welcome, I'll be in on Sunday to renew my books!

Anyway. I'm waffling already. Better go and kick my boyf's ass out of bed so I can see him before I send him off to work. Then I've got a date with said books so I can finally get moving on the monster essay I'm supposed to be working on. Literary theory sucks.

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